This evening the pups were all barking when they heard me pull in. Everyone ran to the door to see me. As soon as I got in, the little Christmas ornaments in the dish went flying with a whoosh of Fiona's tail! I quickly picked them up so she wouldn't scoop any up. They all raced me to the garage. Once I got there, they had all gone outside! That made me laugh. As soon as they heard the food in their bowls, they were all heading back in to eat. Afterwards we went outside for a little bit. Later we went back in and played in the living room. Jenny of course was attached to my hip, never leaving my side for attention! Lew came and quietly sat on my other side while I pet him. Danner came barreling in once in awhile and tried to climb into my lap! Fiona sat close to the kitchen, ready to run in for treat time! Later everyone relaxed. Lew and Fiona curled up on the pillows behind the couch. Danner found a kong to play with. He was rolling around with it and being silly! Jenny stayed glued to my leg the whole time! Haha! When it was time they all lined up excitedly for their treats.

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