Today Suzzie and Heiny did some simultaneous stretches at the gate when I got out of my car. Miss Kitty came galloping down the porch to say hi. As I got closer she hopped up on her table. I dumped out her circle of ice before heading inside. Boo was waiting as usual. The girls were happy to get in from the cold today. After I let them inside quick I went to go visit Quartz. Chocolate was sitting up on the guest bed watching me. She followed into the bedroom and climbed up by Fluffy, who was cuddling with her doggy. Boo came along and sat on the counter. It was so cute! The boys both rubbed heads together! After cleaning the boxes, I spent some time with my girls. Heiny was giving Suzzie lots of kisses, so she had a wet head! I went out and gave Kitty fresh food and water. She was a hungry girl! Mister Boo was too and got excited every time I got near the hallway. I fed him then said my goodbyes. I'll miss you all. They will be happy to see mom and dad soon!
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