This morning the pups all went outside potty quick. It was pretty chilly out this morning but the sun was shining! After breakfast they messed around in the living room for awhile. Even though Daisy's tummy isn't happy, she sure isn't acting like it! She was busy rolling around on the floor and trying to tackle Goliath. Elliot was checking out the rooms this morning to see if his family was home yet. He misses you! Soon after Daisy was following him to see what he was up to. Neither Daisy nor Elliot wanted to go back in their kennels this morning, but it was way to chilly outside! They gave me their sad puppy dog eyes and I felt so bad. So, I came back this afternoon! I brought Daisy some tummy friendly food to help her feel better. Since the sun was out and it had warmed up some, I let them all spend the afternoon outside! This evening they all came zooming in the house when I opened the door! They were some hungry puppies. Elliot and Daisy went right in their beds and waited for their dinner. Afterwards, Daisy rolled around on the living room floor like crazy! Goliath came over and started smelling at my jeans. He could tell I was just with some other pups! Golly was getting jealous and didn't want his brother and sister smelling me too. He's so silly! Everyone was pretty sleepy after playing hard outside, so they all curled up and took a snooze. Later I woke them up and put them to bed.
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