This morning I let everyone out right away when I got there. Dakota and Buddy were just bouncing around outside! Shelly ran around for a bit too. I let Dakota lead the way around the yard. Little stinker... tried to sneak under the fence with me attached to the other end of his leash! I kept him away from the fence after that! I was talking to Shelly and Buddy must have heard me. All of a sudden, I saw him barreling towards me as fast as he could from the other end of the yard! He's so silly. Later I saw him carrying around a shingle he must have found. We played outside for most of the time this morning. Shelly was doing a little dance by the door and singing to me that she was ready to go in. We all headed in and they got their treats. I took a couple apples out to the horses this morning too. Junior was very curious and came right up to me after I went into the pasture. Emma came to investigate after she saw him crunching away on his snack. She let me pet her for a bit. I gave Mickey his too, but he was a little shy yet. This evening Shelly, Dakota and Buddy were able to spend most of the time outside since the rain had let up. Dakota kept trying to take us over to his spot in the fence and even cried when I wouldn't let him! I noticed a dog at two neighbors down. Maybe he's going to visit a friend? Buddy was running around with sticks and even tried to pull a huge branch out of the burn pile! He was having a blast running around. Shelly ran back and forth along the house a couple times, then sat by the gate and enjoyed the evening air. I went to fill the water trough and visited with the horses a little. No one really wanted to stay by me too long. But, when I walked back toward the hose, I noticed I had a shadow! Little Junior was following me, but would stop if I turned around. So curious! The pups all went inside to have their treats and dinner. I looked around and found Clover sleeping behind the couch! I visited with Clover, who just watched me, then put the pups to bed and gave them their bedtime snack.
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