The girls came running around the corner of the house this evening when I called their names! It was so good to see them again! Mandy ran for the door, excited to enjoy some dinner! Once inside, Aeryn just wanted some love, while Mandy stopped by every few minutes in between dinner breaks for a few scratches! After Mandy finished her dinner, then it was Aeryn’s turn to eat and Mandy enjoyed some back scratches! When I arrived a few hours later, the girls met me at the front door. We played around in the living room with some toys, and took a few pictures of the girls. Aeryn loved the camera tonight and posed for a close-up! Then Mandy took off and raced around the couch, sped into the hallway and back around the couch again; it was hilarious! We then settled down for the night. I tucked them both in and gave some scratches goodnight! See you in the morning!
"Ok, I am ready to go in now!" " I am so cute!"
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