This morning Bonkers was already waiting in his spot and Sassy came running. Everyone got their cookies while I got breakfast ready. Sassy hopped right up on the counter and watched me closely. After breakfast, miss Twinkie was very snuggly and had me scratching her chin and rubbing her ears! Wendy came in by us to say hi too. Sassy was waiting patiently for her turn when I came back to the kitchen to clean their dishes. This evening Bonkers was lounging in his usual spot. Wendy and Sassy both came out and waited for their cookies. Wendy even snuck a couple nibbles of Bonkers' food! After taking care of my things, I went to spend time with each kitty. Bonkers purred away and gave my hand a couple licks. Wendy was meowing at me as I pet her, and rubbing her head on her toy basket! Sassy was loving up her turn and followed me around as I visited with the others. I had to search for Twinkie tonight. She wasn't in her usual spots. Eventually I found her sitting in the bathroom window. She heard me and peeked her head out from behind the curtain! It was so cute. I said goodnight to them all and see you in the morning!
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