This morning Crash and Genny went running out in the backyard right away. Genny had picked out a new toy to prance around with today, her piggy! They played out there for a little while, then came in and had some breakfast. They both sat nicely for their treats! Genny likes to go stand over by the drawer that they normally were in whenever they come inside. She hasn't noticed that they're on the counter now! They were full of energy this morning. Crash wrestled around with me for a bit, then he did with his sister. He would run over and nudge her with his nose! Later we played some fetch with the piggy toy. They each took turns bringing it back. They went outside again for awhile. Crash ran around while Genny was rolling around and rubbing her head in the snow! Tonight Crash and Genny didn't stay outside too long, as it was getting very cold and windy out. They came in and just wanted to snuggle up! They both gave me kisses, then curled up on either side of me. Genny got her tummy rubbed and had her little leg sticking in the air! I pet Crash for a bit and looked back over at her. She rolled to her side and stuck her leg up, "I'm ready, my turn!". She's so funny! We chased around the living room for a few minutes and that worked up their appetite. They worked on their dinner, then got a bedtime snack!
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