The girls climbed out of their cozy igloos when they heard me coming today! They waited at the fence for me to come say hi. Miss Kitty was waiting on her bench for me too! Yay! She acted like she didn't even miss a day. Boo was waiting on the ledge for me to come give him his treats. First I said hi to Fluffy, who was curled up on the back of the couch. Chocolate was sitting on the bed, watching as I turned on the sink for her brother. Boo seems to like the fancy fountain when it's not plugged in... go figure! It seems like whenever he follows me in there he hops up on the counter and takes a drink. The girls were busy eating their dinner and giving each other kisses in the kitchen. Heiny came over and sat on my feet. Guess she wanted me to pet her! After she got up to do her rounds I was leaning over to pet Boo and Suzzie. Heiny came right up in between my arms so I couldn't reach the others, only her! She's so funny!
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Yea Kitty Cat is A ok! Merry Chistmas to all and to all a good night!