That doll on the couch startled me when I walked around the corner! Haha! Sadie heard me come in this afternoon and call her name, so she barked a little. I couldn't find the light switch at first, so she didn't know it was me quite yet and that scared her a little. Once I hit the light, she came out of her cage and curled up on the floor at my feet. I knelt down and immediately got kisses! I let her out to go potty right away. She ran around the yard all the way to the back as fast as she could! It was still cold and misty out so she wanted back in shortly after. Chloe came out to say hi, but Sadie thwarted any efforts of her coming to get pet! She wanted all my attention to herself. I threw her ball for her a couple times. She'd get it and put it back in her bed. She rolled over for a nice belly rub and gave me lots of kisses in return! I gave her a little treat before it was time to go. Tonight I went outside with Sadie while she quickly went potty. Then it was back inside for a long back and tummy rub! Chloe came around and watched us. I hadn't seen Patches yet, so I called for her and looked around. She heard me and came out of one of the bedrooms. Sadie dashed down the hallway ahead of me. There went Patches! She ran back in the room, but came out later after Sadie and I went back in the living room. Patches hopped up on the table and let me pet her while Sadie worked on her dinner. Another tasty treat, then it was time for bed!
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