The girls were dancing excitedly at the fence as I pulled up. I said hi to them then went inside. There was no Kitty meowing at me today. She must have been off hunting. Boo was staring out at me ready for his attention, and of course his treats! Quartz saw me in the kitchen with Boo and decided to go wait for me in his usual spot. Chocolate and Fluffy were both snuggled up on the bed near each other. I pet them for a little bit after I made Quartz happy! After I filled Kitty's dishes and called for her again, I hung out with Suzzie and Heiny. I was talking to Suzzie to get her smiling and I heard a funny noise. She was doing it so much that her teeth started to chatter! It was the funniest thing! Boo was trying to climb in my lap while I was petting the girls. Then Heiny was trying to get him to clean her ears, so he just gave up and went out of the kitchen. He was right there following me as usual though when I went to shut the water off!
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I hope Kitty Cat shows up tomorrow, she likes to stress me out by missing her feeding time. The only time she went missing for a couple of days is when she had the kittens. The joy of a outdoor cat!