This morning Harvey gave me a big hug when I let him out! He went outside to go potty quick, then it was back in to play! First I fed him his breakfast. While he was eating I fed Fishy too. Fishy will be happy to see his friends back home today! Harvey came running over when he was done so I asked him where his toys were. He sprang over to his stash like a little reindeer! He stuck his head in and came out with his snake! We played some tug of war and I had him chasing it in circles around me. He went to go get us a ball to play with too! He started rolling around with his toys and I got the funniest picture! It looks like the little snake is Harvey's face. I started scratching Harvey's heiny and he plopped over into my lap. He stretched his legs all the way out as far as he could so I could get his belly. After we were done playing, I cleaned his ears, then it was back to bed.
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"Bet you can't see me!"
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