This morning Sadie went potty right away, then came back in for her morning attention! Chloe peeked out around the corner in the hallway and gave me a couple "meow meow"s hello. This afternoon Sadie ran around outside for a few minutes before coming in out of the cold. She had a little kibble left from breakfast so I grabbed a piece and tossed it behind her. She zoomed over and quick gobbled it up! We started making a game out of her fetching her kibbles. It was the funniest thing! She'd slide across the kitchen floor, or run over to it and crouch down to pounce on it! Then Sadie would run back to me and hop around excitedly for more. I let Sadie out one more time before I left, then Patches decided to come out. She came around the corner and rubbed up against the little Santa. She sniffed at my hand, then let me pet her before she went over to eat her breakfast. Tonight I had to go outside with Sadie for her to go potty. She sure doesn't like this cold! She came in and worked on her dinner. Then, she came and rolled over next to me for her tummy rub! The kitties were both watching at a distance, Chloe behind us and Patches in the hallway. I got Sadie a bedtime snack, then said goodnight and Merry Christmas to all!
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