This morning Flax was waiting at the back door, ready to go outside. We took a nice long morning walk! He walked a ways down the creek bed by himself towards the neighbor's house, but came back when he saw me turn around and start walking the other direction. He made his way back up to the house and came inside for a little bit. When he was ready, I let him back out into the garage. He came out and walked me to my car to say goodbye! This afternoon Flax was sleeping soundly on his mattress. He came inside for awhile to warm up and decided to spend the rest of the afternoon in the cozy warm house! He curled up on his bed while I pet him. Later he moved up to the couch and snuggled up with me. I got him some yummy treats to snack on after I left. It didn't take him long to get up and start searching for them all! This evening Flax was laying next to the door. After being inside for the afternoon he was ready to go back out. The wind had died down so it wasn't quite so chilly. I let him go wander around while I got his dinner ready. I went looking for him when it was time to eat and found him in his usual spot, curled up on his mattress. He came inside for his dinner and treats and of course, a little back rub. Merry Christmas Flax!
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