Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Hudson, Zel & Gabbie

This morning the pups greeted me at the door. I let them out to do their thing. It was a bit warmer this morning, so they weren't quite as eager to come in immediately. I called for them to come eat their breakfast. Everyone ate well and then they went back out to play. The girls stayed out a bit longer this morning, but still wanted to come in and warm up. They snuggled up together in Hudson's crate until he came inside. When it was time to tuck them in, they made their adjustments to their usual crates on their own. This evening the pups were eager to get outside. It was a beautiful evening. The pups came in to eat their dinner. After that, it was time to head out and play. They all stood at the gate to watch the neighbor kids playing outside for awhile. Gabbie and Hudson had fun rolling around in the grass tonight too. Hudson spent awhile just sitting in the middle of the yard to listen to the sounds of the evening. They explored until it was time to head in for the night.

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