This morning Gracie was up and ready to see who was home. She started bouncing around like crazy. She went out for a quick potty break. I went out and got breakfast ready and gave Emma hers while she waited. Next, it was her turn to go out. Mr. Henry was a little determined to try and sneak out this morning. But I was on to his scheme. Stinker! I grabbed the leash and Gracie and I went for a nice walk this morning. It was so nice out! I decided to let her spend the morning out back to enjoy it when I left. This afternoon Gracie was ready to come in. I let Emma have the whole time out back since Gracie had had plenty. She came in and was goofing around and walking under my legs, as I sat down, for some attention. Finn hopped up on the chair by me for some pets too. Miss Gracie got jealous and thought she'd try and climb into my lap. Haha! Houston seems to like his little tent hideout under the blanket. That makes me laugh. This evening Gracie was jumping around all excited as usual. She went out while I got dinner ready. Emma licked her bowl clean. Then, it was time for Gracie to come in and eat and Emma to go out potty. Finn and Henry came to get some attention on the table. After they wandered off, Charlie hopped up for some love too. Micah hung out on the bed most of the time, so I'd stop in to visit him a bit too. I realized I hadn't seen Smudge at all today, so I started to look around for her. I looked all over with no luck and was giving up. Just then, I walked into the dining room and saw her sitting on one of the chairs under the table. She must have heard me calling for her! Haha. That made me happy to see her. Before I left, I got the girls their bedtime cookies.
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