Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Rusty & Ruby

This morning was beautiful outside. I let the pups out for their potty break. They came back in for breakfast and worked on that while I went to see Salem. She meowed away at me while I pet her. Rusty came in to show me that he had his purple ball and was ready to play! I followed him out after I fed the turtles quick. Rusty and I got a good game in, while Ruby was busy exploring. This afternoon the pups came outside when I arrived. Rusty forgot his ball, so he wandered around and explored a bit. Ruby rolled around in the grass and got a little sunbathing in. I kept on her to do her business, but she had to find just the perfect spot. While she did that, I fed one of the big kids some leaves, since they were right over by me. That was fun. Rusty had ventured inside by now. I thought maybe he was getting his ball, but he didn't come back out. After Ruby did her business, she and I sat on the patio and she enjoyed some pets. I went in to see what Rusty was up to. He wasn't in his usual chair. I found him in the bedroom, snuggled up in his doggy bed. Salem was napping on mom and dad's bed. This evening I came in and Ruby was already waiting for me at her bowl. I fed the pups quick. Once they finished, they came out and did their thing while I fed the others. Rusty was searching around for his ball. I found the newer red one and we played a short game. He just wasn't satisfied with that ball though. I went in and helped him look for the other ones, but I couldn't figure out where he put it. Maybe in the morning!

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