Saturday, July 19, 2014

Kaya, Kylie, Reese, Madison & Max

This morning all the pups went out for a potty break. Kylie was running circles around me howling. We went in and I got them all their breakfast. The girls both laid on the floor by their dishes and just nibbled a little. The other three ate well for me. We went back out after to enjoy some time outside. It was nice and cool out. Kylie and Reese were busy exploring at the edge of the yard. Madison was even out there with them awhile. Kaya lounged around by the pool and watched the other dogs and the birds that were flying around. Max was my little shadow, as usual. Kaya wanted some attention, so she came over again to paw at me. Kylie saw me petting her and came sprinting from across the yard to push her way in. She's so silly. When it was time, we all headed back inside and I got them in their rooms. They will be happy to see their people come home!!


  1. Thank you so much for taking care of our babies! It was so nice to be able to see pics and have daily updates while we were gone. We made it back home and were so glad to see the babies!

    1. You are very welcome! I bet they were so excited to see you guys! Glad you made it home safely. :)
