This morning Chloe was barking out the dining room window when I pulled up. She said hi, then I let her out. I brought her breakfast outside for her to eat. She stood in front of me for lots of snuggles and kisses! She kept trying to paw at me with her wet toes. Haha! When she wanted to, we headed back inside. We sat on her bed and she rolled over for some belly rubs. Then, she was throwing her paws around and being silly and playful. It was supposed to be rainy and stormy all afternoon, so she got to stay inside again today. It did end up raining all day. I went in to see the little lady. She was happy as always! I let her outside and she ran into the rain to quickly do her business. She came back in and ate her dinner while I kept her company. We sat on the patio for a little while after that. Then, we went in to play a bit. She was being silly, pawing at me and hopping and rolling around on her bed. When it was time, I had her got out potty once more and got her her snack.
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