Saturday, May 25, 2013


This morning Flax was in a deep sleep. He didn't even hear me pull up! I walked close and quietly called his name so I wouldn't scare him. He sat up and gave me a big bark. He slowly got up and made his way to say hi. We sat outside a bit, then he wandered off to take a stroll. While he did that I got him some fresh food and water. Next, I went to visit the little kitty. He was very shy at first, keeping his distance, but obviously wanting some attention. He would startle and zoom off, but never too far! I got him a little food as well. This evening, Flax was snoozing away again. I added a can of food to his dish and he got right to work. While he was eating I visited with the kitty for awhile. Tonight, little kitty wasn't shy anymore! He was loving on me and purring away. He rolled around on the ground nearby, then would come over for more attention. Flax came over and put an end to that! Kitty took off to hide, so now it was Flax's turn for attention. He and I sat in the driveway for awhile. He walked circles around me, having me scratch different sides. Eventually, he laid down and enjoyed the evening air.

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