This morning the pups both ran outside to greet me. Once I got inside, they lined up for their hot dog snacks. We headed out back to sit outside and enjoy the warm morning. Tank and CJ both sat at my feet snuggling me while I pet them. After awhile we went to the garage so they could eat. Tank actually ate quite a bit for me. Then, he rolled over on my feet for a belly rub while CJ was nibbling on the food. She kept going back and forth between outside and the garage. They crunched on their chicken snacks before I left. This evening I was met with happily wagging tails in the kitchen. We headed outside for awhile at first. We could hear geese and what I thought was a peacock calling in the distance. Someone was shooting nearby and CJ seemed a little nervous, so we went in and I got them their hot dogs. Next we went to sit in the garage. Tank worked on his dinner while CJ sat between my legs and got pet, while giving me kisses in return.

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