I got inside this afternoon and called for cute little Winston. I didn't see him, only a shredded up piece of paper towel as evidence that he was there! I picked that up quick, then continued my search. I saw him hiding under the bed, peeking out at me! He must have been scared by the thunder. When he saw me he came running out, then grabbed onto my pantleg and walked me around. I said hi to him for a minute, then we got him leashed up and headed outside. I took him for a short little walk in the least flooded spot I could find. After he finished his business, I picked it up. Then I picked him up, since we had a river to cross over to get to the garbage! He was such a good boy. We headed back to the house and played inside. He gave me a bunch of kisses, then was pulling on me to play. I grabbed his bone and we played some fetch! He's just so darn cute!!

Hahaha that sounds like my little boy!!!!