This morning the pups got to go play outside while I fed Meeko. He enjoyed his snack while I gave him some fresh food and water. The girls came in and ate their breakfast next. I went in to visit the snuggly kitties. One decided to hop in the litterbox, on top of the scoop while I was scooping and peed right on it! "Don't forget this one!" Haha! The girls and I went outside and I noticed Tipper kept running up and looking into the pond. Then, I realized I didn't see her green ball anywhere. So, I grabbed a net and dug around in there, carefully not to get any fish. I pulled out a kong, but no green ball! Tipper was happy to carry the kong around though, so I went to go see the horses. I let the girls out and checked on their hay. Tipper got to play a little fetch before I left. Even though it was cloudy, I let the girls stay outside for the afternoon since there was only a 20% chance of rain. I'm glad I did, since it turned out to be a gorgeous day! This evening the girls were doing their happy little dance at the back door. I let them inside for their dinner and treat. The kitties knew I was there and were scratching and meowing at the door for me to come in! I visited with them after the girls finished their dinner. Tipper, Roz and I headed outside later. Tipper was looking into the pond again, so I grabbed the net to look once more. First, I fished out a red kong - the same one! She must have snuck it back in there on me. Silly girl! Then, I got out another ball, but still not the the green one. I went to feed the horses since I got Tipper a couple toys to keep her occupied. No one wanted to cooperate tonight. First Skippy was in by the older gals, then Chicka and Marie snuck in by the other two before I could get the gate closed. Finally I got everyone situated and eating their food while I got a little more hay for Marie and Chicka. Back at the house, I played a little fetch with Tipper. She wasn't quite as interested without her green ball! She was holding the kong in her mouth, searching for the ball in between throws. Roz was having fun checking out the tree house and even tried getting the kong a couple times too. Eventually we headed in and I tucked them in for the night.

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