This afternoon the pups raced me to the back door. Before I opened it, Bootsie appeared, wanting to come in. I kept him outside with us, which later he didn't mind so much because he got all kinds of attention! It was a little chilly out this afternoon, but the dogs thought it was perfect for running! Buck came over and buried his face in my lap and stuck his heiny straight up in the air while I scratched his back! Bootsie was wandering around by his legs, trying to get my attention as well. Chloe went from tree to tree, standing up against it to see if there was anything up there. Their neighbor friend was out today, wearing a cute little coat! They had fun running over to say hi to him now and again. Bootsie was just loving me up. He kept walking under my legs and then rolling over to his side as I pet him. JR came for some scratching next. Tizzy sneak attacked him from behind and they both ran off chasing each other. Then, they started howling! Tizzy ran and jumped in my lap, howling right in my face like, "Come on, you gotta do it too!". They're so silly. When it was time, we all headed in and got them a treat and their peanut butter snacks.

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