As soon as I walked in the door, the puppies started barking and whining to get out of their kennels. I let them out and Zeus had to give me his routine hug. I guided them both to the backdoor and I let them join Baby. Zeus obviously wanted the first five minutes of attention all to himself. He wandered off to go potty, then the other two got their chance to get some love in. A couple minutes later, Zeus started barking and I looked around, and here was Xena right by my feet. The silly little girl escaped somehow. I put her back behind the fence so I could see where she got out. Sure enough, she crawled right under the fence again. I put a block in front of the hole and that kept her in for a little while, but it didn't take her long to find another way to escape. I just let her sit on my lap for a bit. Zeus wasn't happy about it. He was very jealous, so I tried to keep him occupied at the same time. That way he wouldn't be upset, and it worked perfectly.

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