Tonight the blinds were shifting quickly back and forth as sweet Chelsea girl was peeking through at me!! She stopped me at the door for a hug, then we made our way to the kitchen. She worked on her dinner while I sat nearby. Then, it was time for her favorite thing! I grabbed her leash and we went on a long walk. The air was just starting to cool down, perfect for a walk around the neighborhood. She stopped here and there tonight to sniff at spots in the grass. When we got home, I tossed her ball for her. She ran after it once, but really... she just wanted a treat! We sat in the living room and she got a little tummy rub. Then, she got up and laid by the kitchen. I came to sit by her and she just gave me this sad, pouty face, "Can I have my treat now... pretty please?!". She knows how to tug my heart strings. I made her wait a little longer, which only got her more excited! Finally, she ran into the kitchen and got her bedtime snack.

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