Crash was very excited to see me this morning, jumping all over the place! Genny was happy too, carrying around a different toy this morning. It was just pouring rain when I got there. I let them outside quick to go potty. Genny went just off to the side, only long enough to do her business, then came back. I got her dried off. Surprisingly, Crash took his time out there, not minding the rain. I got him dried off too, then got them their meds and breakfast. They each finished off their bowls. Crash wanted to go back outside after. The rain had let up a little, and he just had a blast! He was racing around and rolling around in the grass. Genny decided to stay in with me, so she sat next to me and we watched Crash play out the window. Genny was happy to get a long back rub. When Crash came back in I got them each a cookie before I left. I will miss them a lot!

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