Today all four pups came racing out of the bedroom, ready to go! They all zoomed around to the back of the yard to their tree. Today they were all racing back and forth from one end of the yard to another. Buckley took a break to go for a dip in the pool. Then, he laid down with a toy and played with that for a bit. Tizzy and JR went for a swim next. Chloe and Tizzy spent most of their time sitting by the corner tree, staring up at it. Tizzy would run up the side once in awhile. Later, I saw them both sitting in the very corner of the yard, looking up at the telephone pole! They were so cute. JR stayed by me for awhile and cleaned off his fur. Then, he would curl up in the shade nearby. Buck went from one shady area to another to lounge around. Back inside, I got them some fresh water as they curled up on their beds. Bootsie was already comfy in his!

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