This afternoon Winston was all curled up on the couch again when I came in. He waited until I said his name, then he got all excited, hopping down and running over to see me! We got his leash on and headed outside. He did both for me, then we walked over to get a bag. They were all gone. So, since it was only sprinkling out, we walked around to find another one. That one was empty too, so we walked over to my car to get one. After we got back upstairs I realized there was a whole bunch in his basket! At least we got a little walk in anyways. I noticed he had snagged something off the ground on the way back when he laid down to chew on it under the table. He thought it would be fun to play keep-away! I had to bribe him with a yummy treat to get it away. Little stinker! But he's still just too darn cute. Haha. I grabbed his toy and we played some tug of war and fetch with it the rest of the time.

I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you about the bags! They are always out. :P
ReplyDeleteHe plays that game with us ALL THE TIME. Haha.