This morning the girls were dancing around excitedly when I let them out of their beds. They went outside for a bit while I took care of Meeko. He was chirping quite a bit this morning! He hung on the side of the cage and chewed on his crispy treat while I changed out his food and water. The girls came in for their breakfast next. Roz snuck a bite out of her food container while I got hers ready! Sneaky girl. I made sure she didn't get any of Tipper's. They quickly finished off their food, so they got their bones to work on next. I went to visit the kittens, and one shot out of the door as soon as I opened it! Of course little kitty wasn't fast enough for me, and I grabbed her before she got past me. I had my little snuggler in my lap while I played with the other. Later I went to see the horses. I put another bail out in the ring for them for today. They all decided to start eating it right away, each picking a spot. This evening the girls were jumping up and down at the back door when they saw me arrive. I let them in to come eat their dinner and get their snacks. Tonight the kitties made me laugh. They were crashing into each other trying to jump up at the feather toy! Then, one had the feathers in her mouth and tried walking away while I was still holding the other end. I finally let go and she dragged it away, with the other kitten chasing after the handle! The girls came outside with me while I went to go feed the horses. They were all standing in the front of the pasture, and made their way to their spots when they saw me coming. I got them some more hay and water, then went back up to the house to play with Tipper and Roz.

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