The boys came to see me at the door right away today. I let them outside, then went on the hunt for Sugar. Charlie was sure excited about something today! He was just chirping away. I found Sugar all bundled up in a blanket in one of their beds. She slowly peeked out, then did a big stretch before coming outside with us. They all did a lot of exploring. Jimmy found something to crunch on. I brought everyone in and they got to spend the rest of the afternoon roaming the house. They were such good puppies all day! When I got there this evening the boys and even Sugar were all bouncing in the kitchen. I let them outside to do their business while I got their potatoes ready. They came in and cleaned off their plates, then I gave them each an egg white. They gobbled those up too! We spent most of the remaining time outside since it was very nice out. When we came in I threw Jimmy's toy for him a few times. Charlie was chuckling with me! That of course made me laugh more, so he copied me.

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