This afternoon was just perfect out! The pups and I headed outside right away. Everyone immediately curled up on the grass to lounge in the sun. Buddy even got a little warm, so he came to snuggle me for a little bit before he moved into the shade. This evening the puppies were gathered behind the door, waiting to see who arrived. They started bouncing around my feet as I made my way inside. They knew the drill, and raced to the backdoor so they could go outside for a bit. They didn't stay out for too long strangely, even though it was really nice out. They just took care of their business then wanted back inside for their potatoes. They sat behind me, wagging their tails like crazy while I warmed up the taters. They ate them up, then took turns getting a little bit of their own food. Jimmy was all for snuggling afterwards. Buddy actually joined us for a little too. Sugar curled up by the master bedroom, in her usual spot. Then when it was treat time, they got crazy excited again and raced to bed.

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