This morning it was very chilly outside. I let the pups outside and they quickly did their business. Ginger was first to come back inside, then Tiger. To my surprise, Scout actually stayed out for a little bit. I got everyone their breakfast and Ginger her morning meds. They took turns coming by me for some attention. I had given them each a bone and Ginger decided to try and bury it in their beds! It was funny to watch her try to nose it over her snack. This afternoon it was so nice out. I let them play outside for most of the time. Scout sat by the fence to watch the neighbor puppies play. Then, I decided to take them all for a walk. That got Tiger excited! He galloped into the laundry room and was first to get his leash on. As we were walking, another lady was taking her golden out for a walk. She recognized the pups and said hi! This evening I let the babies out so they could take care of their business. Ginger started scratching at the door when the three of them were done. They came back in and waited patiently for their treats. I gave them each a piece and they ate them in their own areas. When they finished, I gathered them all back into the kitchen. Scout and Tiger ate while Ginger scurried off to continue chewing on a bone. Once they had their fill, they came over and sat with me, wanting some attention. Scout would scratch at me whenever I would stop petting her. Tiger would just get really close to my face like "I'm here. Pet me now, please."

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