This afternoon there were dark clouds overhead when I came to visit. The pups were all bouncing up and down by the gate to say hi. We all headed outside so they could do their business. I let them play in the backyard as opposed to taking a walk this time, since it looked like it could rain at any moment. Scout and Tiger wandered around by the fence, saying hi to the neighbor dog. Ginger spent her time by me, getting attention! Sure enough, it suddenly started to rain, then there were tiny hail dropping as well, for the third time today. I got the pups inside and working on a treat while I went to check on Scotch. Before I left, all three lined up in the kitchen for a yummy bone! As soon as I arrived this evening, I could hear the little ones whining away in the kitchen. I said hi and they got all excited and started wagging their tails like crazy or dancing around. I let them outside first. Scout wasn't happy about how cold it was. They ran back to the door when they were all done. Then they each got a treat and inhaled them. Back in the kitchen, I sat down with them the rest of the time. Ginger was the most demanding for attention. Tiger would sit and wait his turn. Scout would visit every now and again. Then before I left, I went into the cupboard and handed them each a bone. Tiger didn't want the same one Scout and Ginger had. I offered him a different one. He didn't want that one either. Finally the third time was a charm, and he scurried off with it.

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