This afternoon Zeus and Zena were both wiggling in their cages with excitement when I walked in. I let them out and Baby met us at the back door. I had all three go into their side of the yard. They were having a blast today! All three were chasing each other around and around the yard. Well, mostly the boys were, but Zena would run up and stand in the middle to bark at them. She snuck out of her side of the fence somewhere and came running to me. She leapt into my lap and gave me kisses right away. I let her get a little attention. Since it was time to go in anyways, I wiped her paws off, then let her inside. Next it was Zeus' turn. He made me laugh because he kept putting his nose right up to mine while I cleaned his paws! There was a pretty good chance of storms forecasted for the afternoon, so I decided to keep him inside.

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