This morning Bella was snoozing away on the couch when I walked in. She did a great big stretch on her way down and followed me around a bit. I let the girlies go outside to do their business. Soon, they were ready to come back in. I got their breakfast ready, but they were way too interested in playing instead! Both girls wiggled their way over for some attention. Then, Bella ran and got me a bone, so I tossed it for her to fetch a couple times. Zoe was busy dancing around on my lap, getting pet. But soon, she noticed the bone and stole it from Bella. Of course, no one wanted the other bone that was laying nearby! Bella came over to cry to me about how her sister stole it. They traded off chewing on that and playing with me. Before I left, we went outside once more. Bella and I had fun chasing around for a couple minutes, before we headed back inside.

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