This morning Blackie walked me to the kitchen while I got his breakfast. Katie was waiting there as well. Suzie was in the other room barking, but as soon as I sat on the floor by Katie, she came running over! I pet the girls while we waited for Blackie to finish. Suzie got to lick his plate, then we went to sit in the living room. This morning we stayed in and snuggled up on the couch together. Blackie curled up halfway on my lap, while the girls were next to each other at my side. I got plenty of kisses! Suzie sat up against the back of the couch and enjoyed a long belly rub. When I got up to leave this morning, no one made even a single peep! This evening Blackie worked on his supper while the girls ran over to me for some attention. I got some more kisses on my chin from Suzie. After Blackie was done I went into the living room and waited for Suzie to settle. Then I grabbed their leashes. They all raced over to my lap, climbing on me to be the first to get the leash on! It was chilly tonight, but we still went for a nice long walk. When we got home, Blackie got his cuddle time on the couch. Suzie snuggled up on one side and got her belly rubbed. I got up before it was time to go and got everyone a couple treats for being such good puppies!

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