Today I met Michael at the front door and let him smell me for a minute. He didn't want me to pick him up just yet. Instead, I walked him out holding his collar. He went potty while I tended to the donkeys. Tinkerbell came right up to me to say hi! Surprisingly, they each took a treat from me. Tink was following me around closely. Kisses hopped right up to wait for dinner. Next, I went back to feed Michael his dinner. I took care of Hailey and started in by Uno until he finished. Then, he trotted along behind me to go back outside. Uno was very curious and hopped up by my lap as I cleaned the cage. I think Uno was more looking for those cranberries than anything! Next it was time to see Matilda and Elliot. Matilda was such a good girl as I cleaned her eye up. Such a sweetie! I let Michael back inside, then went to visit with Lucy and Sampson for a minute. Lucy danced around me excitedly. On my way out I gave Michael one last pet on the head.

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