This morning Chelsea was right at the door waiting for me. She trotted along with me to the kitchen to get her breakfast. After she finished, she stood in front of me and asked the question with her eyes. We went for our long walk this morning. She turned around before I did at our usual spot. She knows our routine so well! On the way back we passed a couple yorkies that were out in their yard. They barked and bounced along their fence with us. Chelsea got excited too and wanted to say hi! This evening I heard the blinds as soon as I got out of my car. I could see her watching me through the front window while I grabbed the mail. As soon as she saw me head for the house, she was at the front door again, making the blinds move! Chelsea quickly finished her dinner so we could get on our way. We went for another long walk since it was still pretty nice out. She looked for her sheltie friends who are usually out in their yard when we go by. When we got back home, Chelsea snuggled up with me in the living room. She kept giving me her face hugs against mine. She was excited for treat time, so she kept huffing at me and throwing my arm up with her nose as she'd walk by. "C'mon, get up!" She's so silly! She of course got her bedtime snack before I left.

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