Today I didn't see anyone at first when I came in. As I was filling Baxter's food bowl, I noticed he was curled up out in the yard, sunning himself. I let him continue to enjoy the warm sunshine while I got Bubba's food together next. As soon as Bubba heard the dry food hit the bowl, he appeared in the laundry room, ready to eat! He climbed up on the washer and enjoyed some pets before he began to chow down. I cleaned his box while he ate. Then, I went to go out by Baxter. He was already up and making his way to come see me. He came in and got a heiny scratch for a little bit. Then, he pranced around carrying his monkey toy! Later we sat in the kitchen while he worked on some of his dinner too. That silly Bubba began playing in his litterbox again! He's so funny! I gave Baxter a couple treats and Bubba a few chin scratches before I left.

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