This morning when I arrived, I didn't see either Baxter or Bubba right away. I figured they were outside or in the bedroom. First I started filling Bubba's food, then all of the sudden I see a little orange head peeking around the corner. Bubba heard food, and apparently he was hungry. I set up his food for him and he hopped up and started chowing down while I took care of his litter. Then Baxter wandered out of the bedroom to say hello. I gave him a big hug and he wagged his cute little tail. After that I sat with him while he ate a little bit. He kept turning to me and making sure I was still there, then he would go back to eating. Once he was done, I checked on Bubba. He hopped down and started rubbing up on my pants and meowing at me. I gave him a little attention before sitting down with Baxter in the living room. Then before I left, I gave Baxter a yummy treat.

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