This afternoon everyone raced out of their cages to wait for me at the back door. They all played outside for quite awhile this afternoon, since the sun was out. Jimmy went and sunned himself on the side of the house. Sugar did a little exploring, then ended up curling up on her bed. Buddy did his usual sniffing around all over the place. After awhile he wanted to go in, so I followed. He just wanted treats! He went to the treat door, did his little cry and pawed at the door repeatedly. I let the others in and they got to roam around the house the rest of the afternoon. This evening everyone came running up to see me, even Sugar! While we headed to the door, she veered off into her hideout room. The boys went potty quick, then it was time for dinner. Afterwards, they spent awhile outside again. Jimmy took off out the door barking, because he heard other pups barking! We came in and Jimmy got some fetch in before bedtime.

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