This morning the sleepy puppies woke up when I opened the door. Zoe started barking right away and bouncing up and down. Bella just followed me around until I stopped and let her give me a smooch. They both charged out the backdoor. Bella didn't linger, she took care of business right away. It was cold out. Zoe, on the other hand, was running around the fence like a bullet, so excited she couldn't handle it. When they came back inside, I sat down and was attacked with kisses from both of them again. They each got their treats, then started chasing eachother around. Bella wanted the bone Zoe stole from her. It was quite amusing. That night when I showed up, Bella was jumping all over the place this time. She followed me to the backdoor and zoomed out with Zoe. I refilled their bowls while they were out. Bella let me know when they were done. They came back in and Bella took a nice, long drink, getting me drenched in water with kisses after. Zoe was zooming around the place like it was her playground. They were so hyper tonight!

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