This morning I got Dakota leashed up and we all headed outside. It was nice and warm already this morning! Shelly ran around along the fenceline. Dakota still wanted to go to his spot by the fence, but we walked around elsewhere. Buddy was zooming around trying to get everyone to play with him! Dakota and I walked over by the horses to say good morning to them. Junior and Emma both made their way over and let me pet their foreheads for just a second. Junior is such a little cutie! Later Dakota and Shelly wanted to go in, so we did. They got their treats, but Buddy wanted to stay out and explore. I visited with Clover for a little bit, who was sleeping behind the couch again. I just love her big adorable eyes! Back in the kitchen, Dakota and Shelly took advantage of being able to get all the attention with Buddy still outside! Shelly was dancing around by me and coming up to get her side pet. Then, while Dakota was working on breakfast, Shelly rolled over for me and got a belly rub! Dakota and I went back out with Buddy for a bit. Shelly wanted to stay in. Buddy finally got that big branch out of the pile. It was hilarious to watch him carry that around! Then, he came back again and again to get more sticks, as if he was starting his own pile. Silly boy! We all went back in and they got their treats before I left. They will be happy to see their parents come back home today!
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