Kita barked twice at me as I was unlocking the door this morning! She ran back and forth to the living room twice, turning in circles as she got to the door. As soon as I hooked her leash on the collar, off she went! I refreshed the water, cleaned Kitten's litter box and filled both food dishes up then went to say good morning to Kitten. She was relaxing under the bed and stayed there as we chatted. Kita ran around outside all morning, enjoying the cool morning air. I had to come and get her, as it was time for me to go! I called her name and she came running around the corner. Kita had a great time outside today, and this evening was no different! But before she went out, I asked her if she was excited that mom and dad were coming home soon and she said "YES", just as I snapped the picture!! She spent the entire time outside, allowing for some quality time with Kitten! Kitten sat on my lap the entire time, so the picture I took was a close-up! We had a good time tonight!

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