Today Kitty was peeking at me from the corner of the kitchen, while Quartz was doing the same from the bedroom. As soon as I headed his way, he bolted to wait for me at the sink. Miss Chocolate was sitting pretty on the guest bed, loving up that sunshine. It appears someone had some fun yesterday... the kitty tree was knocked over. I moved the little wooden flower pot it was leaning on so I could lean it against the wall instead. Too high for me to reach to get it back up! I gave Chocolate a long chin scratch before going to see the girls. I sat out by Heiny, with Kitty wandering around by us. Then, it was Suzzie's turn! Heiny and Kitty followed me to visit with her. Suzzie snuggled her face on my lap for a little while, as Heiny was busy nudging her head under my arms for attention too. Kitty was rubbing up on my back and the kitty litter bag next to me. Just not enough hands for everyone. When I was leaving today, I saw the girls race to the fence to bark at two dogs that were running around loose.

I just saw the post no internet last night, anyway just lay that cat tree on the floor so NOTHING else can be knocked over or broken. I thought I fixed it before I left, but I guess wild Chocolate must of attacked the tree! Better the tree then Kitty Cat! LOL