It was such a gorgeous day today! The girls both ran up to the fence to say hi to me. Kitty was curled up in her spot on the couch again. Quartzie peeked around the corner and meowed at me to come turn his sink on! Chocolate was warm and cozy on the bed again, soaking up the sunshine coming through the window. I let the girls inside and spent some time by each of them. Today Kitty came by and sat in the laundry room while I was sitting with Suzzie. So, on my way to Heiny I stopped and pet her for a bit too. Heiny was loving up all the attention, pawing at me for more. On the way out, I stopped by Quartz again. He was now sprawled out on the bed, and inched closer to me. He got playful then and tried swatting at me as I pet him. Chocolate was still on the guest bed, enjoying the daylight. Miss Kitty was sitting in the front window as I was leaving, watching the birds eat from the feeders.

So glad everyone is doing so well, I do hope the weather holds out! Thanks for taking such good care of the kids!