Today Kitty was just coming out of the kitchen and Quartz took off down the hall to wait for me when I got in. On my way to turn on his sink, I stopped to pet miss Chocolate, who was snuggled up in her pillows. Quartzie enjoyed some pets while he got a drink. Next I let the ladies inside, with Kitty on my heels. The girls were happy to get some love. Suzzie was a little ornary with Kitty today. She sure didn't want Kitty anywhere near her food dish, and kept curling her lip up at her. I stayed in there and kept a close eye on them. Kitty was just busy loving me up. She even did a big stretch off of my back! Heiny was looking for someone to clean her ears. She kept walking over to Kitty and putting her head down. Suzzie and Heiny took turns snuggling up with me until it was time to head back outside. They were so excited for their treat!

That's a new one with Heiny wanting her ears cleaned, I wonder if Kitty Cat will ever catch on, time will tell! Hope the weather warms up for Skiatook, sure glad I put more cedar chips in the dog houses.