The girls ran up to the fence to see me today. I headed inside and saw miss Kitty Cat curled up in Chocolate's old spot on the back of the couch. Quartzie came down the hall to walk with me to his sink. Next I let the ladies inside. Suzzie laid down and Heiny went off to her dish to eat. I sat with Suzzie and she did her happy crawl over to me for some love. Heiny would come in too, and either lay down or circle Suzzie on her way out, as she grabbed a bite from Suzzie's bowl. I went to visit with each of the kitties for a bit. I found Chocolate under the pillows on the bed. She was happy to get a nice chin scratch. Quartz wandered around on the counter while I pet him. Miss Kitty stayed right where she was, sprawling out on the back of the couch while I gave her some attention. She followed me back by the girls, meowing and rubbing up against my back. When it was time, the girls headed back outside and enjoyed their treats. As I was leaving I saw Kitty sitting in the window. While I was taking her picture, I noticed a black and white kitty outside coming up to the window! He must have heard you were taking kitties in! Haha!

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