This morning Flax was laying out in the hallway when I woke him up. He got up and went outside with me right away. We went for a nice long stroll around the pond together. Then, he wandered back up to the house and curled up on his bed on the back porch. I sat with him and pet him for awhile. Flax would paw at me to keep scratching his head and back. Before I left he decided he wanted to come back inside for the morning. This afternoon Flax was up and ready to head outside again. I saw the horses were right by the fence, so we went over to say hi. They let me pet them while Flax did his business. When he was done, we went for another walk. We ended up back in the driveway and sat outside to enjoy the warmer weather. This time Flax stayed outside, so I got him his snacks and water dish set up out in the garage. This evening Flax and I were walking circles, never quite finding each other! When I arrived I thought I heard him barking in the garage. I went through the front and out to the garage, with no Flax to be seen. I stuck my head outside, hearing his barking again, this time sounding like it was coming from the back. After going out back and the barks fading, I went back out front again. Finally! There he was! He waltzed right in through the front door like, "I was looking for you everywhere!". He curled up on his bed while I got his dinner ready. Then, Flax enjoyed some more head and back scratched before bed.

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