Chloe heard me pull in and started barking. I no more than got inside and called her name, and she was greeting me with a happily wagging tail! She and I went out back right away so she could do her business. She was almost too excited to go! She finally did and got a yummy treat when she got inside. I followed her back to her room as she hopped up on her chair. I started asking where her toy was and she would pause, perking her ears up as if to listen for it. She took off down the hall and returned with a squeaky toy! We played with that for a little bit. Then, we just wrestled around! She would paw at me, then hop in my lap. Chloe did little happy dances as I scratched her heiny. We played until it was time to go, then she got one more potty break before bed. She got another little snack as I wished her a Merry Christmas!

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